Comprehensive Guide to Christofle Cutlery Models

Explore a comprehensive guide to renowned French Christofle cutlery models with detailed pictures and design insights.

Christofle, a renowned French silverware and tableware maker, has crafted exceptional cutlery designs for generations. This guide presents a wide selection of Christofle cutlery models, complete with images and design details.

ModelItem PictureDesign Features
AlbatrosChristofle Albatros CutleryArt Deco,
geometric edge pattern
AmericaChristofle Cutlery AmericaArt Deco,
hexagonal edge pattern,
AtlanticChristofle Cutlery AtlanticModernist,
elongated handles,
smooth design
AtlasChristofle Cutlery AtlasArt Deco,
wide handle,
clean and modern lines
Baguette / FidelioChristofle Cutlery BaguetteMinimalist,
rounded handle,
timeless design
BoréalChristofle Cutlery BoréalArt Deco,
flared handle,
geometric detailing
ChevronChristofle Cutlery ChevronArt Deco,
chevron-shaped handle,
angular design
Empire MalmaisonChristofle Cutlery Empire MalmaisonEmpire style,
palmette motifs,
Filets / ChinonChristofle Cutlery Filets or ChinonClassic style,
curved handle,
double ridge border
Couteau, droit
Christofle Cutlery Filets, Couteau, droitClassic style,
straight handle,
minimal detailing 
Cuiller, bout pointu
Christofle Cutlery Cuiller, bout pointuClassic style,
sharp tip,
double ridge border 
JaponaisChristofle Cutlery JaponaisCurved handle,
minimalist design,
soft scalloped edge 
LaosChristofle Cutlery LaosArt Deco,
geometric handle,
bold linear details,
flat minimalist
Louis XIV Coquille BerainChristofle Cutlery Louis XIV Coquille BerainLouis XIV style,
shell motifs,
subtle curves,
refined symmetrical 
Louis XIV GodronsChristofle Cutlery Louis XIV GodronsLouis XIV style,
Godron motifs,
fluted edges,
refined symmetrical
Louis XIV VendomeChristofle Cutlery Louis XIV Vendome 
Louis XV MarlyChristofle Cutlery Louis XV Marly 
Louis XVI DelafosseChristofle Cutlery Louis XVI Delafosse 
Louis XVI Marie-AntoinetteChristofle Cutlery Louis XVI Marie-Antoinette 
Louis XVI Rubans CroisésChristofle Cutlery Louis XVI Rubans Croisés 
Louis XVI TrianonChristofle Cutlery Louis XVI Trianon 
Old Marly ChrysanthemumChristofle Cutlery Old Marly Chrysanthemum
PrintaniaChristofle Cutlery Printania 
SpatoursChristofle Cutlery Spatours 
Spatule Hotel  
Spatule Perles  
VilleroyArt Nouveau,
intricate scrollwork,
nature-inspired elements

We hope this guide helped you explore the beauty of these timeless Christofle pieces. If you have anything to add, feel free to share in the comments!

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